Cover Cool Donation

Cancer, it’s a word that we all know and a word that we all dread to hear 😔
I know what it feels like to lose child but I don’t know what it’s like to loss a child to Cancer and I can’t even begin to imagine.
Probably every single person reading this post will know someone who has been affected by cancer and that is why we choose to donate a CoverCool to the Beatson Cancer Centre in Glasgow.

In the hospital ward, you can only spend a small amount of time with your child/family member before they need to be transferred to the mortuary. People often think that the nurses are wanting the bed back but that’s not the case, it’s because the body changes so quickly and they need to be taken to the mortuary.
For some families this can be really distressing and the use of CoverCool cooling system for a child/teenager/adult can prolong the time the parent has with their son/daughter or family member on the ward.

We hope that this donation will allow families the gift of time with their precious family member to allow memories and goodbyes that they will forever hold dear.
Those we hold in our arms for a little while, we hold in our hearts forever ❣️



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