Mother's Day
Many will be mourning their Mums today,
Many will be mourning their Grans today
But in the past, it never occurred to be that many would be mourning their son or daughter today.
That was until I lost my own son Jack.
I don't know if he would call me mum or mummy or anymore, I don't know if he would still be as cuddly or tell me he loved me as much as he did when he was 5. I don't know what my son would be like anymore but I do know that for 5 years, I got to be his mummy and I got to feel his unconditional love.
Many are never given that opportunity and none will ever have the joy of Jack as their son, for that I feel eternally grateful.
I know how easy it is to get caught up in the everyday life of being a parent but maybe tonight, you could take a minute to be grateful for the son or daughter you have or acknowledge a mother who is grieving theirs.
I really do believe that there is no stronger mother than one that lives every day without their son or daughter.
As tonight comes to a close, I'm sending all my love to every broken hearted mum who has survived today. That's the true meaning of courage and strength.
From one broken hearted mother to another xx
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